Sunday, February 18, 2007

My thoughts on exercise

Do something you enjoy. For me I like doing anything outdoors and of course indoor climbing, yoga and sometimes capoeira. I need variety, I can't do the same thing twice. Of course, not everyone will want or need variety. Try new things like dance or yoga. Try to have fun doing whatever it is you choose or else it will be really hard to stick with. I think everyone should exercise, even if it just walking to the grocery store. Go exercise now!


Jamie said...

Okay, I swear that I left a comment here this morning. Weird. Anyway, I wrote that in my sessions with clients, I often ask about exercise because some studies have shown it to be just as effective in reducing some people's depression as an antidepressant medicaiton. Isn't that amazing? And no bad side-effects, unless you don't like being powerful and muscular!