So, just lately I've realized that many people I am close with do NOT wash their hands after going to the bathroom! How gross is that.
I also highly reccomend cleaning the toilet, if there is anything visible on the toilet seat, then I think it is time to clean it.
And how do girls drip on the seat????
I'll never understand this, at least not in the comfort of your own home. WIPE! Then stand up.
I'm really tired and grossed out by all this poor toilet etiquette surrounding the holiday season!
Ba hum bug!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Icky, Dirty People
Posted by
Karen Henry
6:36 p.m.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
The Group Interview
So a couple days ago I had a group interview. I am not very good at interviews, so put me in a group interview situation and I am even worse!! Not my point. My point is that: at this interview were 6 people, 3 of whom already worked for the company that I was interviewing with and therefore already new the 5 person interview panel quite well. I'm thinking this isn't really fair. The other thing I hate about group interviews is BIMBO"s! One of the girls was all like, " Oh my god, I totally love life! I love getting up in the morning and looking outside and seeing the sunshine! I love sunshine! I am such a bimbo! I'm like totally annoying!!" Okay, I may have added a little at the end, but really, does anyone really act like that in real life?
Maybe I should wait to post this until after I know I did not get a second interview, just incase!
I guess I can say what I like, it's been a week and they left a message, I phoned them back and still haven't heard back from them. My assumption, I didn't get the job.
As for the city one, I don't know why I bother. I don't have experience so I can't get a job, I can't get a job because I don't have experience. Blah!!
For some reason this picture came up when I Googled that last statement.
Posted by
Karen Henry
3:24 p.m.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
The Percentages
I'm sorry to all my faithful readers, I have definitely been slacking on the blogging. It seems being a fitness instructor takes up 80% of my time, yet only pays me for about 20% of it. Now that extra 20% is taken up by me applying for jobs. How exciting. Anybody looking to hire someone?? No evenings and weekends of course! But seriously, hire me.
This morning I got to drive across the city at 6 am to find out no one else wanted to get out of bed at 6 am, make that 5 am. So I went back to bed. How frustrating.
Posted by
Karen Henry
9:48 a.m.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Great new Beastie Boys Tune!
The whole album is instrumental which is pretty sweet because some of my favorite Beastie Boys songs are just that! Clea, I am slightly jealous, but I know, I had my chance.
Posted by
Karen Henry
9:03 p.m.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
The new tattoo
So this is my new tattoo, it's awesome, I love it. No, it is not henna, it is the real thing!
Anyway, the reason I chose a tree. It is the 'Seattle Yoga Tree' studio symbol. I love Seattle. I love yoga. I love nature, which is full of trees and the tree just kind of symbolizes all that . Trees are grounded, growing, and grand. Greg thinks it makes me look cuter! But it is really starting to get itchy! NO SCRATCHING!
Posted by
Karen Henry
8:35 p.m.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
To my few faithful readers
I suck. I have really just not had anything happen worth blogging about. That and I didn't have an internet for about a week. Here is a little entertainment for you while you're waiting for my inspiration.
Today I had to teach a fitness class called "variety pump"; before I agreed to teach I asked, " is this a step class, because if it is I don't want to teach it". For those of you who don't know , I have no coordination (oh, wait, everyone I know knows that). I warned the class of this before I started teaching, but it didn't seem to matter what I did, the class would turn it into a super coor. move. They had crazy arm movements and I had no idea what was going on. I had to completely take them off the step. It was pretty funny.
That was a lame storey, the point is I don't like step!!
Posted by
Karen Henry
10:13 p.m.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
Change of Plans
Isn't it ironic how when things finally look like they are going to be settled...they aren't. I was accepted into all 3 of the programs I applied to at the University of Waterloo. Looks like we shouldn't unpack all of our boxes this time (or at least keep the boxes). Anyway the program starts in September so I guess it's good I have the summer off (kind of). I guess I'll put the kids on hold again.
Posted by
Karen Henry
8:29 p.m.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Identities Withheld
Well we had our wonderful friend Zafira out to Canmore for the weekend. It was great; we saw some wild elephants on the highway coming into town and Zafira was really excited, they were all over! Then we spent some time packing for the move and spent some time feeding the local Cougars (They were cute little domestic Cougars that someone let go and now cover the town)
Zafira had a great time and ate lots!
Posted by
Karen Henry
9:30 a.m.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Okay, I know Josh was just my barista at Koi, but I probably spent @ least a couple hours a week with him (because I spent sooo much time at Koi).
When he and his wife left to move to Montreal last week, I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to him and that really saddened me.
Last Thursday when I went into Koi, the owner, Phil, handed me a note that read: Our good friends Josh and Raya were in a car accident and passed away on Tuesday.
This really, really made me sad. For some reason it is really affecting me and I am having trouble not thinking about it. He was such a good guy and I can only imagine his wife was just as wonderful. His close friends must be really upset about their deaths. One of their friends wrote about them on his site:
They will be greatly missed. I just thought I would like to write something about this, a little depressing, but I guess it just kind of touches home when 2 people so similar to us pass away unexpectantly.
Posted by
Karen Henry
10:00 p.m.
The Blogger
Greg wanted me to blog about how he has updated his blog so people actually check it (I'm not the only one obsessed). For those of you who don't know he did change his blog address a while ago but the link I have to it is right. Apparently some people think Greg is a better blogger than me. Poo on you.
Posted by
Karen Henry
7:16 p.m.
Monday, April 9, 2007
Some friends suggested I get a tracker...
So a couple of my friends suggested I get a tracker so I know people are checking my blog (because I was complaining that there weren't enough people commenting); now I still wish more people would comment. Get commenting!! Your friend, Karen
Posted by
Karen Henry
3:51 p.m.
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Friday, April 6, 2007
My sister and her boyfriend and all four of their kids came over for supper today. This is the first time we have really spent any quality time with them as a family. It was a blast. All the kids were so great. After supper we played a friendly, little smelly (I know of few of you out there know what that is like), game of twister. We got this game for our wedding and have never really played it, we've just let our friends kids play around on it. Who knew you could fit 6 people on the mat with 2 four year olds falling over and crashing the whole time? Anyway we had a really good time, made a couple new friends (especially Greg) and are looking forward to getting together again. Thanks guys.
Posted by
Karen Henry
9:27 p.m.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
How things change
I was reading back to 2005 in my journal yesterday and I came to the realization that I have really changed my mind set on what "successful" is. I am successful now. A couple years ago I wanted to have a nice car, a big house, a really well paying job and other material goods. I feel that, for the most part I have really changed this outlook. Now I am more concerned about the quality of my life rather than quantity. I can say it is much easier to attain happiness with this less materialistic outlook. I am happy, even if I've had to make a lot of changes lately a.k.a (moving 3 times in the last year). I am really thankful to Greg who has had to put up with my life altering decisions, and my friends who constantly listen to all my dilemmas.
Posted by
Karen Henry
8:56 a.m.
This is my new red phone.
The biggest problem with it is that it doesn't tell me when I have voice mail. I don't get it. I'll have to have a talk with Telus about that one. It is really crazy that the cheapest phone right now is far, far superior to my old, expensive phone. It's pretty sweet actually.
Posted by
Karen Henry
8:50 a.m.
Monday, April 2, 2007
My poor old phone
I have some sad news. It seems I've been talking about how long I have had my phone for and how great it is because it is still up and running. No longer. On Friday (remember it was really nice out) we picked up Bryce's girlfriend on the way to Lethbridge; her place is literaly right on the highway just South of High River. When I opened the car door at her house my phone fell on to the ground and I didn't notice. Greg did though, so being a good husband he picked it up and set it on top of the car. He says he told me he was going to do this but I didn't hear him.
When we left Steph's we heard some scraping and then a clunk, we were of couse on the highway. We have now known Steph for about 2 minutes and we get into a yelling match about whose fault it is. Sorry Steph. The problems were quickly solved when Greg admitted it may be his fault.
We turned around to rescue my phone, which looked like it may just work again. We were wrong. Goodbye to my long lasting phone.
Posted by
Karen Henry
12:09 p.m.
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Just in case anyone was considering going to Waterton in the winter...
Posted by
Karen Henry
3:34 p.m.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
My cousin, the race car star!
This is my cousin Mike (Michael Duncalfe), he is now racing in the Mazda Star Series. He's on TV (for those of you who have one) on the speed channel. Pretty Cool!
Posted by
Karen Henry
3:58 p.m.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
It's official, we're moving!
Yah, one cozy home!! I'm so excited.
Posted by
Karen Henry
8:24 a.m.
Friday, March 23, 2007
My apologies to Greg
My poor husband is so sick of my computer addictions. I'm sorry Greg. I will try to spend more time with you and less time with the computer. I love you, be safe.
Posted by
Karen Henry
8:20 a.m.
The latest obsession (and I have a lot of them lately) is facebook. This is kind of a low maintenance way to keep in touch with my friends. Now you all need to sign up for it. The silly thing is you have to sign up even to view my profile. I'll let you all know that it will be well worth the effort. Clea, Bryce, Archie and Gavin are already in there. More incentive. This is my profile picture. Anyway, soon I will start bombarding all of you with invites. How fun.
Posted by
Karen Henry
8:14 a.m.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
The tears over The Notebook
The other night we were over at Jenn and Doug's, we decided to watch a movie. We chose 'The Notebook'. I read the book and cryed through the entire thing, the book that is. Before starting the movie, I gave the warning, "I will cry, a lot!". Jenn was like, "don't worry I will too". I know that I cry more than the average person when I watch movies and read books, but this was ridiculous.
At the end of the movie, Doug was laughing pretty hard at all my nose blowing and my puffy red eyes (which were still puffy the morning after). That was all good and fine. So I got up to go to the washroom and Doug noticed a big puddle in the middle of my shirt, similar to one of his sweat stains. I had cryed so much I had left a tear puddle on my sweatshirt about the size of my palm. How sad and pathetic.
It is an excellent movie and a great book. I would reccomend reading the book first if you havn't done either, at least if you need a good cry.
Posted by
Karen Henry
9:02 a.m.
Joshua Trees Demise
I'm sad to say I've decided that I do not want to go to Joshua Tree (coffee place) anymore. Lately everytime I have gone there, there has been something that has made me upset or grossed out. Ever since Joshua changed ownership it is just not as good. The bathroom is never clean; shit stains in the toilet everyday are just not acceptable. You can tell they never clean the sink. What does that say about the cleanliness of the rest of the building.
Many times when I have asked for a coffee to stay (in a to stay mug, pointing included), I still get my coffee in a to-go cup.
Yesterday I ordered a coffee, chicken panini, and veggie sandwich (no mustard), I said to Kevin (the man who owns it and also works the till for the most part), I'll take the coffee now and I'll come tell you when I would like the food. About 5 minutes after Jenn met me the food came to the table. Now I'll admit, this was a nice gesture, he proabably thought the food was for Jenn and I, but it wasn't, it was supposed to be for Greg and I. When they set the food at the table I noticed there was mustard on my sandwich. I didn't say anything right then because they had to take it back, because that is not when I wanted it.
So when I was ready for the food, about an hour later, I repeated "no mustard on my sandwich please". "Yes, of course", Kevin replied. So about 5 minutes later I get my food to go, and don't bother checking it, I figure it has to be right at this point. I drive to meet Greg at work and we sit down to eat our dinner. I open up my sandwich and what is on it? MUSTARD. Ahhh! Now either that means he just used the same sandwich he had made an hour before or, or who the heck knows!
I don't think I can go there anymore. I'm sorry Jenn. There are 3 other coffee shops on that street, I'm sure we could try something else out for a while.
Posted by
Karen Henry
8:16 a.m.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Finally, I will (maybe) stop obsessing over how many people comment
Now I will know how many of you are checking my site. I do have a problem. If you read Greg's site you will realize that this problem has gone further than anyone could imagine. Happy reading.
Posted by
Karen Henry
8:49 p.m.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Not Registered? Oops.
So, Greg and I are driving on Maclead Tr. yesterday. Greg wanted to get over a lane, and apparently the cop in the far lane also wanted that same lane, needless to say Greg cuts him off. Greg then trys to get over another lane, the cop decides he wants the same lane. Greg cuts him off again. At this point Greg is thinking this is pretty funny (I'm not really sure why?).
We stop at the next set of lights and the cop pulls up beside us and gestures for me to open my window. He says "Are you Karen?", I'm like "Yes??". Then he says "Did you know your car hasn't been registered since June 2006?". Obviously, I did not know this. Anyone who knows me knows I'm pretty damn organized and that if I would have gotten a registration renewal in the mail, I would have renewed my registration. Apparently when we bought the car in May, they only registered it for a month.
Good news is that it is now registered. We didn't get a ticket and we actually saved almost a year's worth of registration. Good thing the cop was transporting a real criminal or it may have cost us a lot more.
Posted by
Karen Henry
4:20 p.m.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
My husband is a brat!
You should hear what he is saying right now. Just read his blog and you will understand he is a brat!! The picture is proof.
Posted by
Karen Henry
8:08 p.m.
Monday, March 12, 2007
I would just like to talk about how awesome Yoga is and how happy I am that a lot of my friends have started going. I find it so relaxing, it is great to clear your mind and good meditation for someone who can't sit still. It is great for other sports, especially climbing. You can get lots of variety from different classes. You can even go when your pregnant (like my friends do). I think that everyone should at least give it a couple of gos. This first picture is what Greg will look like doing yoga in a few years. The second picture is what I will look like doing Yoga in a couple years. Just kidding, we all know I'm not patient enough to grow my hair that long.
Posted by
Karen Henry
9:47 p.m.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Selling our home
One of the guys who came to look at our house tonight used to have a pig, just like Mr. Pigglesworth, that also used to where ski goggles. There are some hard core pigs out there. Actually he had 2 pigs that wore goggles, now that is just madness.
I really don't like this whole selling a home thing!! It is just like one big planned conflict, luckily Greg enjoys this crap! Our last home was much easier... "Sure, we'll take it". Why can't that always be the case. Just to fill everyone in again, we will be Bownessian's by May 1st. Anyway we may even sell our house by the end of this evening if things carry on like they have been.
Posted by
Karen Henry
6:38 p.m.
Thursday, March 8, 2007
This Russell Peter guy is 'hilarious' and not in the sarcastic way Greg would say it!!
Russell Peters is coming to Calgary and I think tickets go on sale on Saturday March 17th. Check it out. I'm sure they will sell out fast.
Posted by
Karen Henry
10:36 a.m.
Monday, March 5, 2007
New Home Time Yet Again
So our condo is on the market (I know, that one lasted a really long time). Anyway, if anyone is interested in looking, our Welist # is 26622. Feel free to buy. We've also put an offer in on a place in Calgary (we will stay there at least 20 years), of course we have to sell the Canmore condo before we can have the other one. Crazy stress!
Posted by
Karen Henry
5:51 p.m.
Friday, February 23, 2007
Career Counceling
Years ago I took the Myers Briggs personality test, and found out I am an ESFJ. If anyone has any knowledge of this personality type they would certainly not dispute this. Now I need to choose a career.
I like careers that have a lot of contact and interaction with other people
I want to help nurture and care for people and communities
I want a clearly defined jobs
I need to know my job is useful, needed and wanted
I need personal feedback on my positive contributions
Now, I've said that I don't want to be a secretary, but damn, it sounds like I would make a good one. This would also match my personal thought that I do NOT want to work shift work. It would also help if I worked for an environmentally friendly company.
Any ideas of what I should do? I don't want responses like: "have kids", "travel", because don't worry, I plan on doing those things real soon too.
Posted by
Karen Henry
9:00 a.m.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
My thoughts on exercise
Do something you enjoy. For me I like doing anything outdoors and of course indoor climbing, yoga and sometimes capoeira. I need variety, I can't do the same thing twice. Of course, not everyone will want or need variety. Try new things like dance or yoga. Try to have fun doing whatever it is you choose or else it will be really hard to stick with. I think everyone should exercise, even if it just walking to the grocery store. Go exercise now!
Posted by
Karen Henry
5:54 p.m.
The benefits of regular exercise
1. Strengthens your heart and lungs:
Reduces bad cholesterol (LDL) and increases good cholesterol (HDL)
Oxygen will more readily get around your body due to increased lung capacity and efficiency of your heart
Reduces the chances of having any related diseases, such as high blood pressure or heart attacks.
2. Strengthens bones and muscles:
Helps prevent the chance of osteoporosis and broken bones
Helps strengthen joints
3. More toned body
When you have more muscle, you will burn more calories at rest
aerobic exercise will also burn calories and is very important
4. Prevention and management of Type 2 Diabetes
Will help your body use insulin more efficiently
5. Help to reduce stress
Exercise can also help to manage depression
it is a natural pain reliever due to the endorphins produced
6. Reduce the risks of certain types of cancer
Colon, prostate, uterine lining and breast cancer
7. Help you to sleep better.
This will just make you happier!!
Other associated benefits are:
More energy for daily tasks
Improved self confidence
Longer life expectancy
(Mayo Clinic)
Posted by
Karen Henry
5:13 p.m.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
The Motivation for becoming Vegetarian
Since I always have trouble defending myself when someone asks me why I became a vegetarian, I thought I would write it out for you to read. Maybe this will provide some insight.
The major reason that I am following a vegetarian diet is for the sake of the environment. Did you know it takes about 100x more water to produce a pound of beef than it does to produce a pound of wheat. It is also estimated that 50% of all the water used in the United States is used for raising livestock! Not only do the animals use a lot of water, they also pollute the water, responsible for 70% of the waterway pollution in the states.
The rainforests are being cut down (obviously), an estimated 2/3rds of that is due to cheap beef and stock for America's fast food industry. This land use occurs closer to home as well with about 70% of the US land mass being used for grazing. In fact, according to Yvon Chouinard, "the true environmental and social cost of a hamburger when the forest has been cleared to create pastureland for grazing cattle is $200.00."
In general, transportation, the animal itself, refrigeration of animal product, chemical fertilizers and nitous oxides all contribute to the state of Global Warming. If any of you are unaware this is happening, you should watch Al Gore's movie, 'The Inconvenient Truth'.
Food animals are often raised, transported and slaughtered inhumanely. You wouldn't put your dog or cat through what the animals go through.
Health wise vegetarians have a lower risk of diseases such as: heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes and some forms of cancer.
Vegatarians are reported to live 7-9 years longer than nonvegatarians. I'm sure this stat is also based on a general healthy diet that should be eaten to maintain a balanced vegetarian diet.
A vegetarian diet often is a closer match to the food guide than your average meat eaters diet.
(Melina, Davis, Becoming Vegatarian) Wow, that was some weak ass referencing!!
I am not suggesting that everyone should go out and become vegetarian, maybe just consider eating a little less meat.
Posted by
Karen Henry
5:57 p.m.