Have no fear, the internet is here. I can blog and facebook again! Life is good.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
Change of Plans
Isn't it ironic how when things finally look like they are going to be settled...they aren't. I was accepted into all 3 of the programs I applied to at the University of Waterloo. Looks like we shouldn't unpack all of our boxes this time (or at least keep the boxes). Anyway the program starts in September so I guess it's good I have the summer off (kind of). I guess I'll put the kids on hold again.
Posted by
Karen Henry
8:29 p.m.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Identities Withheld
Well we had our wonderful friend Zafira out to Canmore for the weekend. It was great; we saw some wild elephants on the highway coming into town and Zafira was really excited, they were all over! Then we spent some time packing for the move and spent some time feeding the local Cougars (They were cute little domestic Cougars that someone let go and now cover the town)
Zafira had a great time and ate lots!
Posted by
Karen Henry
9:30 a.m.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Okay, I know Josh was just my barista at Koi, but I probably spent @ least a couple hours a week with him (because I spent sooo much time at Koi).
When he and his wife left to move to Montreal last week, I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to him and that really saddened me.
Last Thursday when I went into Koi, the owner, Phil, handed me a note that read: Our good friends Josh and Raya were in a car accident and passed away on Tuesday.
This really, really made me sad. For some reason it is really affecting me and I am having trouble not thinking about it. He was such a good guy and I can only imagine his wife was just as wonderful. His close friends must be really upset about their deaths. One of their friends wrote about them on his site:
They will be greatly missed. I just thought I would like to write something about this, a little depressing, but I guess it just kind of touches home when 2 people so similar to us pass away unexpectantly.
Posted by
Karen Henry
10:00 p.m.
The Blogger
Greg wanted me to blog about how he has updated his blog so people actually check it (I'm not the only one obsessed). For those of you who don't know he did change his blog address a while ago but the link I have to it is right. Apparently some people think Greg is a better blogger than me. Poo on you.
Posted by
Karen Henry
7:16 p.m.
Monday, April 9, 2007
Some friends suggested I get a tracker...
So a couple of my friends suggested I get a tracker so I know people are checking my blog (because I was complaining that there weren't enough people commenting); now I still wish more people would comment. Get commenting!! Your friend, Karen
Posted by
Karen Henry
3:51 p.m.
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Friday, April 6, 2007
My sister and her boyfriend and all four of their kids came over for supper today. This is the first time we have really spent any quality time with them as a family. It was a blast. All the kids were so great. After supper we played a friendly, little smelly (I know of few of you out there know what that is like), game of twister. We got this game for our wedding and have never really played it, we've just let our friends kids play around on it. Who knew you could fit 6 people on the mat with 2 four year olds falling over and crashing the whole time? Anyway we had a really good time, made a couple new friends (especially Greg) and are looking forward to getting together again. Thanks guys.
Posted by
Karen Henry
9:27 p.m.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
How things change
I was reading back to 2005 in my journal yesterday and I came to the realization that I have really changed my mind set on what "successful" is. I am successful now. A couple years ago I wanted to have a nice car, a big house, a really well paying job and other material goods. I feel that, for the most part I have really changed this outlook. Now I am more concerned about the quality of my life rather than quantity. I can say it is much easier to attain happiness with this less materialistic outlook. I am happy, even if I've had to make a lot of changes lately a.k.a (moving 3 times in the last year). I am really thankful to Greg who has had to put up with my life altering decisions, and my friends who constantly listen to all my dilemmas.
Posted by
Karen Henry
8:56 a.m.
This is my new red phone.
The biggest problem with it is that it doesn't tell me when I have voice mail. I don't get it. I'll have to have a talk with Telus about that one. It is really crazy that the cheapest phone right now is far, far superior to my old, expensive phone. It's pretty sweet actually.
Posted by
Karen Henry
8:50 a.m.
Monday, April 2, 2007
My poor old phone
I have some sad news. It seems I've been talking about how long I have had my phone for and how great it is because it is still up and running. No longer. On Friday (remember it was really nice out) we picked up Bryce's girlfriend on the way to Lethbridge; her place is literaly right on the highway just South of High River. When I opened the car door at her house my phone fell on to the ground and I didn't notice. Greg did though, so being a good husband he picked it up and set it on top of the car. He says he told me he was going to do this but I didn't hear him.
When we left Steph's we heard some scraping and then a clunk, we were of couse on the highway. We have now known Steph for about 2 minutes and we get into a yelling match about whose fault it is. Sorry Steph. The problems were quickly solved when Greg admitted it may be his fault.
We turned around to rescue my phone, which looked like it may just work again. We were wrong. Goodbye to my long lasting phone.
Posted by
Karen Henry
12:09 p.m.
Sunday, April 1, 2007
Just in case anyone was considering going to Waterton in the winter...
Posted by
Karen Henry
3:34 p.m.