This is my cousin Mike (Michael Duncalfe), he is now racing in the Mazda Star Series. He's on TV (for those of you who have one) on the speed channel. Pretty Cool!
Thursday, March 29, 2007
My cousin, the race car star!
Posted by
Karen Henry
3:58 p.m.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
It's official, we're moving!
Yah, one cozy home!! I'm so excited.
Posted by
Karen Henry
8:24 a.m.
Friday, March 23, 2007
My apologies to Greg
My poor husband is so sick of my computer addictions. I'm sorry Greg. I will try to spend more time with you and less time with the computer. I love you, be safe.
Posted by
Karen Henry
8:20 a.m.
The latest obsession (and I have a lot of them lately) is facebook. This is kind of a low maintenance way to keep in touch with my friends. Now you all need to sign up for it. The silly thing is you have to sign up even to view my profile. I'll let you all know that it will be well worth the effort. Clea, Bryce, Archie and Gavin are already in there. More incentive. This is my profile picture. Anyway, soon I will start bombarding all of you with invites. How fun.
Posted by
Karen Henry
8:14 a.m.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
The tears over The Notebook
The other night we were over at Jenn and Doug's, we decided to watch a movie. We chose 'The Notebook'. I read the book and cryed through the entire thing, the book that is. Before starting the movie, I gave the warning, "I will cry, a lot!". Jenn was like, "don't worry I will too". I know that I cry more than the average person when I watch movies and read books, but this was ridiculous.
At the end of the movie, Doug was laughing pretty hard at all my nose blowing and my puffy red eyes (which were still puffy the morning after). That was all good and fine. So I got up to go to the washroom and Doug noticed a big puddle in the middle of my shirt, similar to one of his sweat stains. I had cryed so much I had left a tear puddle on my sweatshirt about the size of my palm. How sad and pathetic.
It is an excellent movie and a great book. I would reccomend reading the book first if you havn't done either, at least if you need a good cry.
Posted by
Karen Henry
9:02 a.m.
Joshua Trees Demise
I'm sad to say I've decided that I do not want to go to Joshua Tree (coffee place) anymore. Lately everytime I have gone there, there has been something that has made me upset or grossed out. Ever since Joshua changed ownership it is just not as good. The bathroom is never clean; shit stains in the toilet everyday are just not acceptable. You can tell they never clean the sink. What does that say about the cleanliness of the rest of the building.
Many times when I have asked for a coffee to stay (in a to stay mug, pointing included), I still get my coffee in a to-go cup.
Yesterday I ordered a coffee, chicken panini, and veggie sandwich (no mustard), I said to Kevin (the man who owns it and also works the till for the most part), I'll take the coffee now and I'll come tell you when I would like the food. About 5 minutes after Jenn met me the food came to the table. Now I'll admit, this was a nice gesture, he proabably thought the food was for Jenn and I, but it wasn't, it was supposed to be for Greg and I. When they set the food at the table I noticed there was mustard on my sandwich. I didn't say anything right then because they had to take it back, because that is not when I wanted it.
So when I was ready for the food, about an hour later, I repeated "no mustard on my sandwich please". "Yes, of course", Kevin replied. So about 5 minutes later I get my food to go, and don't bother checking it, I figure it has to be right at this point. I drive to meet Greg at work and we sit down to eat our dinner. I open up my sandwich and what is on it? MUSTARD. Ahhh! Now either that means he just used the same sandwich he had made an hour before or, or who the heck knows!
I don't think I can go there anymore. I'm sorry Jenn. There are 3 other coffee shops on that street, I'm sure we could try something else out for a while.
Posted by
Karen Henry
8:16 a.m.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Finally, I will (maybe) stop obsessing over how many people comment
Now I will know how many of you are checking my site. I do have a problem. If you read Greg's site you will realize that this problem has gone further than anyone could imagine. Happy reading.
Posted by
Karen Henry
8:49 p.m.
Monday, March 19, 2007
Not Registered? Oops.
So, Greg and I are driving on Maclead Tr. yesterday. Greg wanted to get over a lane, and apparently the cop in the far lane also wanted that same lane, needless to say Greg cuts him off. Greg then trys to get over another lane, the cop decides he wants the same lane. Greg cuts him off again. At this point Greg is thinking this is pretty funny (I'm not really sure why?).
We stop at the next set of lights and the cop pulls up beside us and gestures for me to open my window. He says "Are you Karen?", I'm like "Yes??". Then he says "Did you know your car hasn't been registered since June 2006?". Obviously, I did not know this. Anyone who knows me knows I'm pretty damn organized and that if I would have gotten a registration renewal in the mail, I would have renewed my registration. Apparently when we bought the car in May, they only registered it for a month.
Good news is that it is now registered. We didn't get a ticket and we actually saved almost a year's worth of registration. Good thing the cop was transporting a real criminal or it may have cost us a lot more.
Posted by
Karen Henry
4:20 p.m.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
My husband is a brat!
You should hear what he is saying right now. Just read his blog and you will understand he is a brat!! The picture is proof.
Posted by
Karen Henry
8:08 p.m.
Monday, March 12, 2007
I would just like to talk about how awesome Yoga is and how happy I am that a lot of my friends have started going. I find it so relaxing, it is great to clear your mind and good meditation for someone who can't sit still. It is great for other sports, especially climbing. You can get lots of variety from different classes. You can even go when your pregnant (like my friends do). I think that everyone should at least give it a couple of gos. This first picture is what Greg will look like doing yoga in a few years. The second picture is what I will look like doing Yoga in a couple years. Just kidding, we all know I'm not patient enough to grow my hair that long.
Posted by
Karen Henry
9:47 p.m.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Selling our home
One of the guys who came to look at our house tonight used to have a pig, just like Mr. Pigglesworth, that also used to where ski goggles. There are some hard core pigs out there. Actually he had 2 pigs that wore goggles, now that is just madness.
I really don't like this whole selling a home thing!! It is just like one big planned conflict, luckily Greg enjoys this crap! Our last home was much easier... "Sure, we'll take it". Why can't that always be the case. Just to fill everyone in again, we will be Bownessian's by May 1st. Anyway we may even sell our house by the end of this evening if things carry on like they have been.
Posted by
Karen Henry
6:38 p.m.
Thursday, March 8, 2007
This Russell Peter guy is 'hilarious' and not in the sarcastic way Greg would say it!!
Russell Peters is coming to Calgary and I think tickets go on sale on Saturday March 17th. Check it out. I'm sure they will sell out fast.
Posted by
Karen Henry
10:36 a.m.
Monday, March 5, 2007
New Home Time Yet Again
So our condo is on the market (I know, that one lasted a really long time). Anyway, if anyone is interested in looking, our Welist # is 26622. Feel free to buy. We've also put an offer in on a place in Calgary (we will stay there at least 20 years), of course we have to sell the Canmore condo before we can have the other one. Crazy stress!
Posted by
Karen Henry
5:51 p.m.